Palmero Trading and Brokerage is an uruguayan company with great experience in the managing of goods by working together with different Importers and Exporters of the region and the world, which places us as one of the leading companies of the market.
Our aim is give to the uruguayan producers and manufacturers and of the Region an insertion of their products on the international market, as well as facilitate the suppliers' entrance from out of the region into the MERCOSUR markets.
We count with a great variety of national products of excellent quality, which are exported to different destinations with major care and safety.
We offer an integral service of Foreign Trade based on a varied range of Logistic services, of Customs and Trading, to make and support contacts between clients and suppliers with need of high quality products.
We can also offer them a permanent search of products and / or suppliers, providing with the new varieties in models and characteristics of the products they currently buy.
We rely on strong alliances with different companies of transport, as well as Fiscal Warehouses in the Free Port of Montevideo and in several Duty-Free Zones of the country. In that way we make sure that a correct managing of the merchandise in conditions and in efficient times is performed . The above mentioned warehouses are located in strategic points for the distribution of goods to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Chile, and for the rest of the world facilitating in this way the load and unload times and minimizing expenses.
We would very pleased to offer and / or represent your product in Uruguay.
25 DE MAYO 555 OF 406 - TEL (+5982) 916 58 40 FAX (+5982) 916 38 12